Pressure on publishers to cut costs - Thu, 13 Aug 2020

SCONUL, RLUK and Jisc have come together to make it clear to publishers that if they don't respond positively to the current financial pressures facing member institutions then cancellations of big deals will inevitably result. 


Ann Rossiter, Executive Director of SCONUL said:


 “It would be very short-sighted of publishers to seek to continue charging prices which were already subject to serious challenge on the basis of value even before the current crisis.  Universities want to a provide the maximum access to research outputs, but this cannot be at any cost. Companies which do not adapt to the new post-Covid 19 reality will be judged harshly. It is time for publishers to bring prices into line with value, and to rethink their business models with a much stronger focus on service.” 


The full press release is available here.