established leaders



360 degree appraisal tool

There are a range of 360 degree appraisal tools available that can help SCONUL members ensure their strategic alignment and readiness for change. We recommend members work with their organisational / staff development team to explore the development and introduction of a 360 degree appraisal[...]

Support for emerging leaders

As part of its research base for the leading libraries work, SCONUL surveyed those working in senior teams within our member libraries to establish the kinds of interventions and support that they would find useful in their leadership journey. This feedback from our emerging leaders has informed[...]

SCONUL Mentoring

SCONUL's mentoring scheme is designed to support academic library leaders in their professional and personal growth by facilitating mentoring relationships with more experienced colleagues. The scheme intended to support emerging or newly-appointed leaders (senior library staff in deputy[...]

Leadership Research

In approaching its work, the SCONUL Leadership Task and Finish Group identified the value of supporting reflections on leadership and assisting academic library directors to gain personal reach and strategic influence within their organisations. The work has been underpinned by a[...]


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