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FOCUS is SCONUL’s practitioner journal. It provides a mechanism for sharing experience and best practice between institutions. Writing for FOCUS provides an opportunity to raise the profile of interesting projects and to practice writing for publication.

The journal is currently on a hiatus whilst we have been focusing on helping members to reopen services, e.g. providing a forum for knowledge sharing and planning via the Libraries after Lockdown programme.  As we emerge from the pandemic and start to plan our next strategy - we will review publication and provide an update in due course.

Current Issue Number 71

Previous Issues

Guidance for authors

Please note, articles should have been through a local peer review process before being submitted for publication in SCONUL Focus. Authors are advised to read the Foucs Guidance for authors before writing and submitting an article.

Open Access publishing

SCONUL Focus online is an open access publication and SCONUL supports open access publishing.

The copyright in items published in SCONUL Focus remains the property of the author(s) or their employers as the case may be. Items are accepted on the basis that SCONUL will normally expect to grant permission for the reproduction of articles, on paper or in other media, for educational/research purposes. This will include open access repositories, to which authors are encouraged to submit.

Authors should contact the Executive Director at if they would like to discuss this policy.